Minkki Nurmi, Mitäpä jos (What if), mixed media, 2021
Minkki Nurmi, Mitäpä jos (What if), mixed media, 2021

Minkki Nurmi, Mitäpä jos (What if), mixed media, 2021

Issue 2 / Apr 2021

Finding Forms to Recognize Warmth

This issue forefronts the artistic processes of different generations; invisible codes of conduct in navigating art and culture fields; the restlessness in holding feelings of fandom; and the non-binary gestures of caregiving in exhibition-making. It features editorials by Elham Rahmati and Vidha Saumya, open letter formatted essays by Farbod Fakharzadeh and Carlota Mir, an interview with Kirsti Tuokko by Saara Mahbouba, and a review by Even Minn.