Warda Ahmed, What Would I Rather, 2021
Warda Ahmed, What Would I Rather, 2021

Warda Ahmed, What Would I Rather, 2021

Issue 8 / Dec 2021 – Jan 2022

Embracing Doubt

This year-end double-issue thinks through the different means for archiving; memory making in an unending exile; the unsustainability of funding projects on a short-term basis; limits and possibilities of decolonising universities; the pressing need for cultural events led by Indigenous people; featuring editorials by Elham Rahmati & Vidha Saumya; essays by Nisha Ramayya, Andrea Coyotzi Borja, Farbod Fakharzadeh, Shahi Derky, Miia Laine; reviews by Fjolla Hoxha, Sharron L. Todd, Aurora Lemma. Also features texts commissioned in collaboration with the Baltic Circle Festival