To write this review in a post isolationist time, it actually took me three trips to get my head around the exhibition, the feel of the island, the spring, and the memories. Especially after coming across a rumor that the independence of Taidekoulu MAA and other private institutions like it are being threatened by cuts in funding. This review is a description of my trail through the exhibition, followed by ruminations on the situation that MAA is facing, based on a chat I had with MAA’s current principal, Minna Henriksson.
READFrom Memories Through the Soil to the Future
Juha Hilpas foregrounds a review of Art School MAA’s exhibition to talk about the school’s importance in nurturing a sense of belonging and networking.
The elation of being able to travel, being able to see an art exhibition in the first place. I pranced around the space in wonder and confusion. Art objects are still being brought together in rooms. My body gets to be here and I don’t know exactly what to make of it.
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Even Minn on capturing a shift in perception and language akin to the non-binary experience in the review of the exhibition ‘Gentle Gestures - Non-binary Conceptions of Difference’
Kirjasto/ Library does not formally announce a thematic drive at its outset, but situates itself within an abstract idea ‘archiving’, or of what a collection, library, or an archive could be.
READA Longing for Something Written in Memory
Ali Akbar Mehta’s review of Kirjasto/Library gathers thoughts on why archive-based exhibition-making practices are required.